Give your clients what they need.
Every. Single. Time.

Start for free

Find new clients and help the ones you have

Generate an article in under 20 minutes

Discover ways to stay relevant and ranking

Lauren Petrullo


"We love Surfer so much that if we had to choose one SEO tool to live with forever, it would be Surfer."

how agencies use Surfer

Tools designed with solutions in mind


Find new clients and impress the ones you have

Surfer makes clients easy to find. Get insights on monthly search volume, search intent and keyword difficulty at a glance. Use this information to prospect potential clients and offer your solutions.


Generate ready-to-rank articles at scale

Write manually or generate an article in under 20 minutes. Surfer’s recommendations are based on real-time analysis and reverse engineering. From terms to word count to images and headings, you’ll never fly blind.

Surfer AI

Articles in under 20 minutes

Surfer AI will do the research, writing, and optimization in multiple languages and across different niches, letting your team shine where it matters the most.


Your personal AI-writing assistant

Surfy, your personal writing assistant, helps you edit, rephrase, and refine each generated article in real-time per your suggestions. Say ‘bye’ to #witersblock, and say ‘hi’ to Surfy!


Help your clients stay relevant [and ranking]

Check for SEO errors, low-hanging fruit and get a holistic picture of what’s working, what can be improved and what the next steps are to keep showing up on the SERPs.


What you need, when you need it

Surfer is flexible; you can purchase add-ons when you need them inside the app or through your billing page.


Surfer works where you work

Powerful integrations make collaboration easy.
Surfer helps teams and agencies get more done.

"Surfer has righteously earned its place in our content team’s tool arsenal. It has enhanced the creation of our acquisition blog articles by ensuring basic building blocks are in order before fine-tuning and offering quick and actionable feedback for improvement areas. We’ve tried different options in the past few years, and, for us, Surfer has taken the lead in user-friendliness with its intuitive interface and AI-produced content level quality. It’s also fantastic for refreshing old content and making it SEO-friendly. Surfer’s Content Editor is now an integral part of our Content team’s workflows; we use it daily and can wholeheartedly recommend trying it."

Jete Laager

Content and Localisation Lead at Bolt

Tired of chasing clients? Surfer makes them easy to find.

Surfer goes beyond helping you write optimized articles.

SEO, simplified.

Use our tools to prospect new clients by targeting which of their articles need optimizing (and why)!

Then, take it one step further with keyword research and writing!

It’s a fact:

Surfer helps agencies drive organic traffic
to their clients no matter the industry.

Want to see what Surfer can really do?

Try out the tool! Get a feel for what it's capable of, and if you find that you need a more customized plan or experience, our Sales team is on standby to answer your questions!

Frequently Asked Questions

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept credit and debit cards (monthly & yearly subscriptions), and bank transfers (yearly subscriptions only). We do not support PayPal payments.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my account after purchase?

Absolutely! You can upgrade or downgrade your subscription from the in-app billing section under the Change Plan button any time. For assistance, feel free to reach out to us via chat or at [email protected]!

How does Surfer work?

Surfer merges content strategy, creation, and optimization into one smooth process. Surfer helps agencies, content creators and teams grow brands, organic traffic, and revenue, utilizing NLP solutions, machine learning, and over 500 analyzed web signals

All guidelines provided are in real-time, data-driven-based, and Google-compliant. Content research is handled by the Keyword Research and Content Editor tools, while ready-to-rank content is generated via Surfer AI

To top it off, Audit will help you monitor, manage, and improve your content process, regardless if you work alone or in a large team. For more information, please visit our Knowledge Base.

What languages does Surfer support?

Surfer works with most languages! A full list of supported languages is available in our Knowledge Base.

Please note that Surfer AI currently supports English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Polish and Spanish.

Who uses Surfer?

Surfer is used by agencies, in-house marketing teams, freelancers, and small business owners looking to scale up their content marketing strategy and skyrocket organic traffic from their websites. The Surfer community continues to grow every day and currently includes 150,000+ active users from 159+ countries. Among them are renowned brands, such as Jasper, FedEx, ClickUp, Lenovo, Opera, Square, Shopify, FreshBooks, and, hopefully, you! 🤞

What is your cancellation policy?

To minimize the hassle on your side, we automatically renew your plan for each new billing period.

You can turn off the auto renewal feature at any point via in-app Billing page.

This will not result in an immediate closure of your account or its deletion - we simply won’t renew your ongoing plan for the next billing period. You'll have access to the app until the end of the already paid billing period, regardless of the exact date you cancel.

If you forgot about turning it off and already have an overdue invoice - please reach out to the Support team via chat or email and we'll cancel your account with immediate effect, should the plan's quota be unused.

What does Surfer offer in terms of user management?

Apart from single sign-on, you can also monitor overall usage, and control the number of seats. You can adjust permissions between owner, admin and member.